Archetypes and the Logic of Management – How assumptions on ERP systems influence management actions


  • Pernille Kræmmergaard Aalborg University
  • Ojelanki Ngwenyama Ryerson University
  • Kurt Dauer Keller Aalborg University


The journey with enterprise resource planning systems has taken us beyond implementation, into the second wave of ERP. Now, after running in some years, it is interesting how the ERP system is managed and what role it plays in the organization. These questions are addressed in this paper. Through seven case-studies we found similarities and differ- ences in the patterns of ERP management. The key charac- teristics, with respect to which ERP management differs, are associated with an archetypal interpretive scheme that we conceive as embodied organizational motivation and archi- tecture. The empirical analysis coalesced in our conception of three alternative archetypes - which we call the supporter, the driver and the co-player. These archetypes are illustrated with material from our case-studies. The archetypes are be- lieved to play an important role in conveying the essential differences of the ways in which organizations manage their ERP system.

Author Biographies

Pernille Kræmmergaard, Aalborg University

Pernille Kræmmergaard is Professor and Director of the Center for IS Management at Aalborg University, Denmark, where she also chairs IS management programs at both Master and executive Master levels. Through her research, she seeks to improve the collaboration between IS and business with the aim of both increasing the digi- tization of organizations and the business value of IT. Her recent focus has been on the changing role of the IS organization and IS managers in dynamic digitized organizations. Her talent lies in disseminating theoretical knowledge to practitioners, collaborating with practice and facilitating change processes in organizations. She has previously published in MIS Quaterly Executive, Information Systems Frontiers, and International Journal of Accounting Information Systems.

Ojelanki Ngwenyama, Ryerson University

Ojelanki Ngwenyama is Professor and Director of the Institute for Innovation and Technology Management, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University and Research Professor in the Faculty of Commerce, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Ojelanki holds a PhD from the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering, State University of New York-Binghamton. In November 2009 he was awarded D.Phil (honoris causa) by the Faculty of Engineering, Uni- versity of Pretoria, South Africa for ‘exceptional international contributions to informatics research’. In 2012 he was a VELUX Visiting Profes- sor in Information Technology Management, Copenhagen Business School and Guest Professor in the M-Lab, Halmstad University, Sweden. In 2011 he was Andrew Mellon Foundation Visiting Mentorship Professor in the Faculty of Commerce, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Ojelanki has also been visiting Professor University of Jyvaskyla, Finland; University of Pretoria, South Africa and the Universities of Aalborg and Aarhus in Denmark. He is a member of the Edito- rial Boards of the Journal of Information Technology For Development, Informa- tion Systems Journal and Scandinavian Journal of Information System. Ojelanki has also served on the editorial boards of MISQ and Information Technology and People. Ojelanki research has focused on critically interrogating the social implications of information technologies. He has been a member of IFIP Working Group 8.2 (Organization and Societal Implications of Information Systems) since 1986.

Kurt Dauer Keller, Aalborg University

Kurt Dauer Keller is associate professor at the Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University. He studied psychology, philosophy, political sci- ence and humanistic informatics at the University of Copenhagen and got his ph.d. from Copenhagen Busi- ness School in 1995. Since 1997 he has been associated with Aalborg University and for a while Aalborg University College. He is teaching social psychology, organization theory, political philosophy, ethics and theory of science. The main areas of his research interest are professionalism

and organizational culture, social psychology on a phenomenological-hermeneutical basis, psychosocial work organization (coping, competence, social identity), and existential phenomenology.


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How to Cite

Kræmmergaard, P., Ngwenyama, O. and Dauer Keller, K. 2018. Archetypes and the Logic of Management – How assumptions on ERP systems influence management actions. AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems. 1, 1 (Aug. 2018).


